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Frequently asked questions

To help you find out more about IMEDEEN we have provided answers to a list of frequently (and not so frequently) asked questions, including effects and suitability for different people.

Should you have any IMEDEEN related concerns or questions that are not addressed on our website, please contact us.

IMEDEEN Skincare supplement questions

General questions

  • Who can benefit from IMEDEEN?

    Anyone who wishes to maintain a naturally beautiful appearance can benefit from taking IMEDEEN Skincare supplements. Our Skincare supplement range carries age recommendations. Our Beauty Perfection range is for anyone over the age of 18.

  • Can IMEDEEN be taken over a longer period of time?

    Yes, IMEDEEN Skincare and Beauty Perfection supplements can be taken as part of your daily beauty routine for as long as desired.

  • What happens if I stop taking IMEDEEN Skincare tablets?

    The condition your skin was in before you started taking IMEDEEN Skincare tablets was the result of many years of influencing factors. Similarly, should you stop using IMEDEEN Skincare tablets, the results you have obtained will not disappear overnight, but will reduce gradually. While we have not examined the pace at which this happens, we know from consumer experiences that it varies from person to person; some say after as little as one month and others have reported from four to six months.

  • Do IMEDEEN Skincare tablets show an effect on other parts of the body?

    Yes, as IMEDEEN is an oral supplement that works from within, benefits may be seen all over – on the face and body.

Formula and ingredients

When and how to use it


  • Do IMEDEEN Skincare supplements have any side effects?

    IMEDEEN Skincare tablets contain marine proteins and soy fibres and like other food products may cause allergic reactions. If you have experienced allergic reactions to these ingredients in the past, do not take IMEDEEN Skincare tablets.

    If you experience any allergic reaction to any of the IMEDEEN products please contact the IMEDEEN team ( to report it and consult your doctor.

  • Can I take IMEDEEN with medication?

    There are no known contraindications and it is unlikely that IMEDEEN supplements will adversely interact with pharmaceuticals. However, we recommend that people suffering from a serious illness or who are under medical supervision in general do not take food supplements without consulting their doctor.

  • Can I take IMEDEEN and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

    In a study on IMEDEEN® Prime Renewal Skincare tablets no adverse events were reported for the women taking HRT together with the product. As IMEDEEN Prime Renewal is a dietary supplement, an interaction with HRT is unlikely to occur. If you are concerned please contact your doctor.

  • Can I take IMEDEEN with the contraceptive pill?

    There are no known contraindications and it is unlikely that IMEDEEN supplements will adversely interact with the contraceptive pill. If you are concerned please contact your doctor.

  • Can people who have thyroid problems take IMEDEEN?

    It is recommended that people suffering from a serious illness and who are under medical supervision should in general not take any food supplements without consulting their doctor.

  • Can diabetics take IMEDEEN?

    IMEDEEN Skincare and Beauty Perfection supplements do not contain added sugar. However, we recommend that people suffering from a serious illness or people who are under medical supervision do not take any food supplements without consulting their doctor.

IMEDEEN Beauty Perfection Questions

IMEDEEN Hair & Nails

IMEDEEN Advanced Beauty Shot